Sunday, May 26, 2019
Plan of the cat 1) What is hippotherapy? 2) Analysis of the establishment 3) SWOT analysis 4) Target Audience 5) Objectives PR campaign 6) Task of PR campaign 7) Plan of the PR program 8) Work plan of preparation for the conference Hippotherapy-riding to health 9) info for controllable hatful media 10) Information for non-controllable mass media 11) Budget 12) Press kit * Press work * Information about organization * Biography of the CEO * List of quotations * Logo * Questionnaire for journalistsWhat is hippotherapy? well-nigh hippotherapy known since the time of Hippocrates. He claimed that the wounded and the sick get better faster if they ride on provideback, and melancholic part with their dark thoughts. In the plaza of the XVIII century the encyclopedist Denis Diderot, in his treatise About riding and what it means to maintain health and to find it again, wrote Among the exercise the first place belongs to ride. It advise be used to treat many diseases, but may also preve nt them forwards they appear. Hippotherapy is a comprehensive and multi-method of rehabilitation, a form of physiotherapy (physical therapy), where tools for rehabilitation be the horse, the process of riding and exercising that a person does during riding. While riding either the major muscle groups of the body receive a work out. This occurs at a reflex level, because sitting on the horse, moving along with it, the person instinctively tries to keep the balance not to fall off the horse, and thus encourages the supple work of both healthy and affected muscles, without noticing it.Hippotherapy is the only type of interference when the patient may not understand that he is treated, riding and communication with the horse becomes a game. Psychogenic factor increases the ability to adapt to reality. For a person with a mental disorder, the position on a horse becomes winning I above, but they below. All the fundamental principles of psychotherapy a unity of place and characters , the unity of time and unity of process stay complied. Hippotherapy is effective in Cerebral palsy. Orthopedic syndromes. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system that result from paralysis and other lesions of the central nervous system. Lesions of the senses blindness, deafness. Disorders of posture, scoliosis Malformations of the limbs. Various forms of intellectual disability resulting from organic or communicable diseases. Down syndrome. Violations of the psycho-emotional sphere * Autism * Neuroses * Mental retardation * Schizophrenia * Emotional disorders * societal maladjustment * Syndrome of hyperactivity * The state of anxiety The process of riding improves blood circulation and breathing, it involves the work of almost all the muscles and tendons, ligaments and joints of the body.This is particularly important for autistic people, who cannot be move-active without stimulation from the outside not counting their stereotypical movements. The horseback riding i ncludes training of overall coordination, maintaining balance and responsiveness. It trains senses and a deep sensitivity. Through the senses different stimuli are taken and accumulated. The horse becomes a link between the inner world of the person and the surrounding reality. Communion of charitable and horse is a full chain of communicative feedback between person and the outside world, which allows a person to perceive reality more wholly.Analysis of the organization Hippotherapy gist SPIRIT was established in 2010 in Kiev, by a group of enthusiasts with the support of Childrens psychological Center. The center has eight experts tierce hostlers and 5 hippotherapy specialists. It is located in the city of Kiev. The center has its own space the manege 900 m? , 200 m? stable, cafe 35 m? and public spaces of 30 m?. In the stead of hippotherapy center SPIRIT there are ten horses. An average weekly visits of the center 50 people. The cost of training is 40 UAH. An annual income from services of the organization is 96,000 UAH.An annual income from conferences and seminars is 250,000 UAH. Expenditure on the horses and the activities of the center is 600 000 UAH. The difference between the revenue and expenditure of the budget is covered by the Center of State Support, donations from individuals and charitable organizations, including American Hippotherapy Association. To date, the HC SPIRIT has an opportunity to conduct 90 classes per week and is planning in two years to expand the area of the base in fractional and increase the number of horses to 15. SWOT analysis StrengthsEnthusiasm, love of horses, the desire to help people, professional knowledge and experience in the field of hippotherapy, specialists in music, such as rehabilitation, neurology, psychotherapy and psychology. Existence of its own space in Kiev and trained horses. The support of the Childrens Psychological Center. Weaknesses Material and technical infrastructure is not powerful exub erant to meet the demand for the services of the organization. Opportunities Prepared strong scientific base on a global level. The growing interest to hippotherapy of the target audience.The development of kindly orientation in sport, community and giving medication organizations. Growth of financial capacity of the target audience through the creation and development of relevant charities, philanthropy and government support in recent years. Threats Unstable economic situation, the high cost of maintenance of horses (feeding, treatment, ammunition), high rates for advertising. Target Audience The target audiences for PR action are parents of children with specific diseases at whose treatment the hippotherapy is aimed.The scientific community is interested in the fill in of information in the study of hippotherapy. Ukrainian and international governmental and non-governmental organizations that are related to the specific theme. Objectives PR campaign At this stage, the Organiza tion aims to increase attendance in half and increase organizational effectiveness for the treatment of profile diseases, which, in turn, increase the interest in the work of the HC SPIRIT of the Ukrainian and international governmental and charitable organizations and increase their funding in the center.This exit enhance the material and technical base of the center and go to the free form of treatment for patients. Also, the expansion of international recognition will help the exchange of scientific information and enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Task of PR campaign Improve the knowledge about the HC SPIRIT of potential customers, Ukrainian and international governmental and charitable organizations. Enhance the image of the center as an open, social-oriented organization with professional, scientific approach to work and the desire to develop.Plan of the PR program 0900 0930 Registration of Journalists clashing with the guests near the Hotel MIR, departure to the HC S PIRIT 0930 1000 Opening. Speeches by the President of the Equestrian Federation of Ukraine A. Onishchenko and the Deputy Head of the department of Reform and Development of medicine N. Hobzey. 1000 1100 A scientific conference on Hippotherapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Speakers prof A. Denisenko (Ukraine), neurologist, Professor D. Tsverava (Georgia) 1100 1200 Coffee lead 200 1330 A scientific conference on Hippotherapy in diseases of the musculoskeletal system Speakers Professor M. Rukhadze (Georgia), Professor Naomi Robert (USA) 1330 1400 Lunch 1400 1430 Reception of children from Rehabilitation Center 1430 1600 Master Class. Hold by prof. Naomi Robert and prof. D. Tsverava. The program includes working lessons with children demonstrating different methods of hippotherapy in cerebral palsy, scoliosis, osteochondrosis 1600 1630 dismission of children to rehabilitation center.Coffee break 1630 1700 Communication with visitors. Questions and answers 1700 Departu re of guests from HC SPIRIT to the Hotel MIR End of program. Information for controllable mass media For Horses & Whats On powder stores Hippotherapy riding to health the slogan of benevolence event for children with disabilities. Nowadays it is great to witness about different kinds of munificence events that are going on in all parts of the world. We are not an exception, being heard in Ukraine.A charity event is going to take place in Kiev, organized by volunteers and Hippotherapy center SPIRIT. It is an event for children with mental disabilities from rehabilitation center. Do we hear about hippotherapy every day? It is a form of physical, occupational and speech therapy in which a therapist uses the characteristic movements of a horse to provide carefully graded motor and sensory input. Hippotherapy is also used in speech and language pathology. This method uses a horse to accomplish traditional speech, language, cognitive, and swallowing remainders.Using hippotherapy, a ppropriate sensory processing strategies view as been integrated into the treatment to facilitate successful communication. So, basically we can help the children without them even noticing it. The charity event is taking place on 6 April 2013. Children are transported from the rehabilitation center right to the HC SPIRIT. The parents are also invited to receive more information about the therapy. Professors and doctors prepare speeches about what is hippotherapy and how it can be used as a treatment for the child.The event is sponsored by the following organizations the Equestrian Federation, Hippotherapy center SPIRIT, the Ministry of attention and Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of health of Ukraine, Childrens Psychological Center and American Hippotherapy Association. Information for non-controllable mass media An event devoted to hippotherapy, which helps children with mental disabilities from Kiev rehabilitation center, is going to take place on the 6th of April 2013 in HC SPIRIT. Sponsors, doctors and professors, parents and children, as well as authorities are going to be present at this event.The main goal is to attract the societys attention to children with disabilities and to inform guests about advantages of hippotherapy. The project is sponsored and supported by the Equestrian Federation, Hippotherapy center SPIRIT, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Childrens Psychological Center and American Hippotherapy Association. Budget 1. Coffee-break Program come up of participants Coffee-break identity card Quantity Price per unit UAH Total priceUAH Price to payUAH Source of financing Coffee- break 1 50? Coffee deoxycytidine monophosphate 5 d 4250 American Hippotherapy Association Tea 100 5 calciferol Cookies 10 15 150 Sandwiches 150 10 1500 Server 2 300 600 Transportation 500 500 Other 500 500 Coffee-break 2 50? Coffee 100 5 500 2750 American Hippotherap y Association Tea 100 5 500 Cookies 10 15 150 Sandwiches 150 10 1500 Lunch 50? Coffee 100 5 500 2820 HC SPIRIT Tea 100 5 500 Set lunch 52 35 1820 5 doctors, 5 officials, 10 journalists, 10 personnel, 20 clients, 10 others 2. Transportation Transport Number of people Route Price UAH Total price UAH Source of financing Minibus for children 10 Rehabilitation center HC SPIRITHC SPIRIT Rehabilitation center 600 1200 Ministry of Labor and Social Policy Minibus for guests (doctors and specialists) 5 Hotel HC SPIRITHC SPIRIT Hotel 600 600 Ministry of Health 3. Hotel Number of people Number of nights Price per night UAH Total Price Source of financing Guests (doctors and specialists) 5 2 500 5000 Ministry of Health . Presents for children Type of present Number of presents Price per unit UAH Total price UAH Source of financing Assorted candies 50 packages 40 2000 American Hippotherapy Association Books for painting 50 40 2000 5. Mass-media Type of mass-media Typ e of service Number of advertisement Price UAH Total price UAH Source of financing Magazine Zdorovie Order a special article One page + three photo 2000 2800 Childrens Psychological Center Web-site zdorovbud. com. a Placing an article 800 Photograph 500 500 Equestrian Federation 6. Advertisement materials Type of advertisement Type of work Number of materials Price UAH Total price UAH Source of financing Prospect, press release? Layout, printing 100 1200 1200 HC SPIRIT Prospect of the conference showing sponsors? Layout, printing 300 1500 1500 Equestrian Federation Brochure with materials about hippotherapy? Layout, printing 100 2500 2500 Ministry of Health Internet banner? Creating, placement on websites zdorovbud. om. uamedical. us 800 800 HC SPIRIT ? Distributed four months before the conference to the media, charitable organizations, social organizations, in order to find sponsors. ? Distributed three months before the conference in the profile of medical institution s and doctors. ? Issued after theconference to all interested and distributed to the profile medical exam Institutions. ? Placed a month before the conference onwebsites zdorovbud. com. ua, medical. us and Equestrian Federation site. 7. Medical and Police supportDepartment Type of service Price UAH Total price UAH Source of financing Medical Emergency brigade on duty 1500 3000 Ministry of Health Police Escort of the bus with children 1500 Total expenditures Organization Expenditures UAH HC SPIRIT 4,820 Ministry of Health 11,100 Equestrian Federation 2,000 Childrens Psychological Center 2,800 Ministry of Labor and Social Policy 1,200 American Hippotherapy Association 11,000 Total 32,920 Press kit Press release Horse as doctor and agonist for your children. Hippo therapy- new way of treating children with disabilities. Hippotherapy-riding to health is the slogan of the charity event which is taking place on 6 April, 2013 in Hippotherapy center SPIRIT. The main goal is to inform pa rents and doctors about the advantages of such treatment. The event attracts societys attention to children with disabilities. Its aim is to attract more financial help from government, business people and charity organizations. At the beginning the President of the Equestrian Federation of Ukraine A. Onishchenko and the Deputy Head of the department of Reform and Development of medicine N.Hobzey will present speeches about the grandness of such events. The topics of the conference are Hippotherapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy and Hippotherapy in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Among the special guests neurologist Professor A. Denisenko (Ukraine), Professor D. Tsverava (Georgia), Professor M. Rukhadze (Georgia), Professor Naomi Robert (USA). Expected number of guests is around 50. The program with horses for children includes practical lessons demonstrating different methods of hippotherapy in cerebral palsy, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.The project is financed by Equest rian Federation, Hippo therapy center SPIRIT, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Childrens Psychological Center and American Hippotherapy Association. Contact information Hippotherapy center SPIRIT Phones 099-155-24-54, 096-295-95-45, 093-401-36-94 e-mail spirit. emailprotected com Information about organization The image of the project was developed by three students of the International Christian University-Kiev. Hippo therapy center SPIRIT was pleased to help in organizing this event on their part.Thats why the project has a form of charity event. Center SPIRIT was founded in 2010 in Kiev by a group of enthusiasts with the support of the Childrens psychiatric Center. Experts of the center hold higher education degrees and have been trained on the course Hippotherapy for childrens diseases abroad. At the center work professional psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, neurologist. Horses are specifically purchased for use in hippothe rapy and are trained by professional athletes. We care about safety. Classes are held with the participation of three people the ringleader, hippotherapist and assistant to hippotherapist.Biography of the CEO handler of the Hippotherapy center Spirit, Anna Burago, established the center in 2010. Prior to that, she took a course Rehabilitation of patients with limited ability at Medics Retraining Facility of Peoples Friendship University of Russia. She is a specialist in rehabilitation. In May 2010 she completed a course in Ridetherapy in Childrens Diseases and got a qualification of instuctor of hippotherapy at Tbilisi Medical Academy. Every year the center organizes special events regarding hippotherapy. List of quotationsA parent tells about the results of therapy The biggest change for Maxim has been the area of speech. Before the hippotherapy, he could say only a few words clearly and would attempt speech only if it was modeled for him. After only four sessions, Maxim speaks a bout 20 words clearly and is making approximations of several more, sometimes spontaneously. Something extraordinary happens to Maxim when he is up on that horse. The feeling of the rhythm of the horse walking seems to be helping Maxims brain organize what it needs to make speech happen. Professor M.Rukhadze tells about the difference of hippotherapy from clinics Hippotherapy takes the patient out of the traditional clinical setting and places them into a more relaxed, yet stimulating atmosphere in order to help them meet their functional goals. Patients are in a indwelling surround, which may help integrate their needs into everyday life experiences. Children, who are sensitive to being different, do not consider the riding environment to be a clinic. Logo Questionnaire for journalists 1. Name and last name 2. Company 3. Phone number 4. E-mail
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