Monday, May 25, 2020

Overweight and Obesity in Australia - 842 Words

Australian’s should put more effort into stopping declining fitness levels and it should start with our youth. The youth of this generation is lacking a healthy amount of physical activity; growing evidence shows that the occurrence of overweight and obesity is dramatically increasing in Australian children and adolescents. If more Australians increased the amount of physical activity they did, and also decided to eat healthier then declining fitness levels would reduce. Australians would benefit from this as a healthier lifestyle can make you feel good, it can improve your health even reducing the risk of some diseases, it can even be fun! For some, pursuing a lifestyle that consists of fitness and healthy eating can be too time consuming and difficult. In some cases this lifestyle of healthier eating and excessive fitness can be too expensive, therefore fast-food and little physical activity is the better option for some. There are many benefits of being active, it is good for you and it is a good way to socialise with others, regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and some cancers and it can help to avoid injuries. Research suggests that those who eat a wide variety of nutritious foods enjoy living a longer life. .Other benefits of healthy eating include: †¢ Maintaining a healthy weight. †¢ Reduces risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and certain types ofShow MoreRelatedThe Reason Of Obesity And Obesity998 Words   |  4 PagesObesity Introduction: In these days, rates of overweight and obesity are growth faster in Australia. Fourteen million Australians are overweight or obese. More than five million Australians are obese. Australian adults (63%) are overweight or obese, almost 2 in 3. And children (25%) are overweight or obese. Obesity has overtaken smoking as the crucial cause of death and illness in Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are 1.9 times as likely as non-indigenous Australians toRead MoreObesity Is The Type Of Disease That Is Infectious1248 Words   |  5 PagesObesity may not be the type of disease that is infectious. However, it has reached heights of epidemic proportions and poses a public health challenge, not only in Australia but globally. This disease has attained substantial awareness as a major health hazard and can be defined as an unhealthy excess of body fat at which can lead to an increased risk of medical illnesses and also may result in mortality, (Kitzinger Karle, 2013). Since the 1980’s the prevalence of obesity has almost tripled andRead MoreObesity and the causes Obesity is a widely known and recorded problem in Australia1500 Words   |  6 PagesObesity and the causes Obesity is a widely known and recorded problem in Australia (Heading, 2008). It affects over 60% of the adult population (National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC], 2013). This is a frightening statistic and sadly it isn’t restricted to adults. Nearly 25% of Australia’s children and adolescent population is also affected by obesity (Moir, 2013; NHMRC, 2014; Obesity Australia, 2013). Obesity is easy to define physically and it is a problem that isRead MoreObesity in Australian culture and society1476 Words   |  6 PagesObesity in Todays Australian Culture and Society Introduction Obesity is best referred to as the red alert health zone. The thing that makes obesity that dangerous is the fact that todays society does not view obesity as a serious threat. It is important to understand the fact that obesity is not just being fat or having a BMI i.e. Body Mass Index greater than that of an overweight person. Obesity is a serious problem that can fatally damage the physical as well as mental health of a personRead MoreNational Population Health Case Study1058 Words   |  5 Pagesthe community and their potential to reduce the burden (CM). Obesity is a prominent NPHA within Australia (CM). It refers to increased energy dietary intake without an increase in energy expenditure through physical activity, resulting in energy storage as fat and weight gain (CM). Prolonged increased energy intake leads to excess body weight. The main factors influencing obesity are poor diet and inadequate physical activity. Obesity at an individual and population level is commonly me asured usingRead MoreSchools Should Implement Programs Tailored to Prevent Childhood Obesity796 Words   |  4 Pagesconsequences of childhood obesity on the overall prosperity of the country, elucidating the urgent requirement of prevention programs in schools. Childhood obesity is one of the most alarming public health challenges of the 21st century(World health organisation.(2012). Obesity according to Bruce-Keller et al.(2009) is ‘a physiological condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it can negatively affect health’. Over 90% of children in Australia attend school, more than oneRead MoreLife Expectancy For Australia s Rising Epidemic Of Obesity1046 Words   |  5 Pagesthat put Australia to shame. It has been estimated that by 2031, 3.3 million Australians will have been diagnosed with the incurable type 2 diabetes (, 2013). Australia’s biggest killer, Coronary heart disease (CHD) was responsible for 1 3.6% of all Australian deaths recorded in 2012 (, 2012). One catalyst for CHD and Diabetes is Australia’s rising epidemic of obesity. During this report, obesity will be covered, and why is it a current health issue in Australia, theRead MoreHow Do Television Advertisements Affect People s Health And Its Significance1684 Words   |  7 PagesHow do Television advertisements affect people’s health and its significance in relation to childhood obesity? Introduction: Child obesity is undoubtedly one of the most controversial issues in modern society, and has been labeled as one of the most serious health issues. Overweight and obese children generally grow up to be overweight and/or obese as adults, who are highly likely to be predisposed to health disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other sorts of illnesses. With fastRead MoreEssay on Evaluating the Research Process1085 Words   |  5 Pagesresearchers collect data from both children and adults to create a bio repository for future research of childhood obesity. The following document will explore the results and opinions concluded in the research project, statistical findings, and other important information collected from the research project. For adults obesity is a condition that can become life threatening and more so when obesity is diagnosed at a young age. The Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 17% of allRead MoreObesity Is A Common Issue1213 Words   |  5 PagesObesity is a common issue, known throughout the world. In today’s society obesity is increasing due to the media, advertising, family, culture, cost, technology and peers. All of these factors each have a significant reason as to why the obesity rate is increasing. Studies show that 27% of child between 12-15 are overweight or obese. The Media is a big thing for obesity. Body + Soul mums, is a website about tips for mums and how technology is affecting their children. There studies show that

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